Pink LED rope light is perfect for a college girl’s dorm room
Jan 30th 2012
It's not uncommon for college kids to want to spruce up their dorm rooms once they arrive on campus. After all, this is the place where they will be spending most of their time while away from home. LED string lights and rope lights are commonly seen around dorm room windows, and why not? These fixtures are eye-catching and add a personal touch to any space.
If you have a daughter who is already thinking of ways that she can decorate her dorm next semester, you might want to recommend the 150' 2-Wire 12-Volt 3/8" Pink Rope Light Spool. This LED rope light comes in a vibrant pink hue that is fun and perfect for any future college student.
The 150' 2-Wire 12-Volt 3/8" Pink Rope Light Spool can be cut to a specific length to make it easy to install in any dorm room, regardless of the size. The best part about this fixture is that it is energy-efficient and doesn't become hot to the touch, making it less of a hazard in a community building.
LED rope lights are ideal around the house as well. These fixtures can help reduce utility bills in addition to providing ample illumination in rooms ranging from kitchens to bathrooms.