President Obama to visit Cree’s Durham, North Carolina, facility on Monday
Jun 10th 2011
In a show of support for domestic LED manufacturers, President Barack Obama will stop by the Durham facility for Cree, one of the country's largest lighting manufacturers. According to Durham's Herald-Sun, the president is traveling to the town to meet with the Jobs and Competitiveness Council at Cree's corporate headquarters.
President Obama will take a tour of the facility and is expected to deliver some remarks at the end of his visit. The switch-over from old-style incandescent bulbs to energy-efficient LEDs has been a benchmark for the Administration, as they work to try to pull the power grid into the next century.
"While in North Carolina, the president will highlight the great work in advanced manufacturing, innovation and research and development taking place in the Research Triangle area," Adam Abrams, a White House spokesman, told the news source.
Homeowners who are looking to save some money on their energy bills should consider LED rigid light bars for kitchens, home offices and bathrooms. The versatile fixtures come in many colors, and can attach to any flat surface with the aid of mounting brackets or their 3M adhesive strips.